Even after you get a lot of installs, you may find that many people forget to use your app and it lies unused in their device. One of the factor to increase or decrease your app engagement is the app icon. Your app icon represents your app and helps your users to recognize your business. So here we discuss on some points to test the effectiveness of your app icon.

Recoginzable app icon

Is you app icon easily recognized by your users. Think about this: Your app icon will be admist a lot of other app icons in a 5X5 grid, mostly.

If your app icon doesn’t stand out to define the purpose, people will hardly ever tap on it to use your application. Your app icon should instantly show that it is meant for finding a suitable partner to go on a date with.

Matching your business

If your business model for Tinder clone app is more through gamification, then represent that on your app icon with similar shapes and colors.

Don’ make it too serious so that people hesitate to tap on the icon, make it more playful. Or if you are using tinder clone app for matrimonial site, then give your app icon a similar theme with color and shapes.

Impression on different sizes

Mobile and handheld devics are found in different sizes. These device sizes also have a great impact on how your app icon looks on them.

So, you need to create different size of app icons to make sure that your icon looks and feels good in every device size. You don’t want to get business for your tinder clone app just from one size of device, you want them all.

Meet design style of platforms

It is different when you are launching your app on the different platforms. They have their different set of rules for functionality and they have different style to display app icons.

For this reason, you should be specific when creating app for android and when creating app for IOs. Your app icon should not feel like an alien nor should it look completely nothing – make it stand out while keeping the platform style consistent.

Keep it simple

Simplicity presents the message in the best way. Make sure that your app icon is not too complicated to remember. Take a look at the competitors app icons and you’ll get the idea about shape and sizes that they are using. Make the changes to make your app icon distinct but don’t change to complicate the app icon.

If you are ready to get your tinder clone app launched on Android and iOS platforms, you can find them in the given links. Or, if you need more information regarding planning your customized mobile dating app, please let us know.

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