Swipe right and left for likes and dislikes is now a necessary feature for any dating app, thanks to Tinder. But, why is it so widely accepted as a standard?

Probably because it is user-friendly and fun or because it gets interesting and aligns to the main purpose of creating a match.

After all, matchmaking is the main purpose. It is why people register on a dating app, right?

So, how does matchmaking work on LoveLock dating app script?

It starts with the user profile and the information entered by the individual users. Location, gender preferences, interests, etc all contribute to create and display the possible matches. Then the fun part begins.

After the profile of a user is completed, an advanced algorithm used in the dating app script creates a list of possible matches and displays the profile image of those users.

This is when the individuals get to swipe right for like, swipe left for dislike and swipe up for super like.

Based on the match list prepared by the algorithm, the same user profiles are displayed to the counterpart profiles also. And if they happen to like the profiles who liked them previously, it’s a match made!

Why is matchmaking feature important for your dating app?

Even though people registered just for fun, why would they enjoy being messaged by some person whom they didn’t like?

This logic creates the justified limitation of being able to start communicating with the matched profiles only. This is exactly what is implemented in the dating apps powered by LoveLock dating scripts.

Matchmaking feature is important due to the fact that other features provided by dating app script dependent on the matches made.

Two-thirds of online daters 66% tell us that they have gone on a date with someone they met through a dating site or dating app.

Source: Pew Research Center

According to the report by Pew Research Center conducted among the US online dating members, two-thirds of the respondents mentioned that they have gone a date with a match made through the online dating services.

Features of LoveLock powered mobile dating apps dependent upon matchmaking feature.

  • Text Messages
  • Live Chat
  • Voice Messages, and
  • Other communications

Though LoveLock dating app script has implemented logics and algorithms in order to simulate a near to real-life dating scenario, don’t forget that these can also be customized as you will have access to the source codes also.

If you are willing to learn more about how you can start your mobile app business quickly and implement the features that you want in your apps, please feel free to send us your queries.


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